Monday, February 7, 2011


True to form, I have been one lazy monkey.

I did manage to finish two large paintings, in gouache no less. This is impressive, in that I generally loathe working with any medium other than pencil or oil paints. The bulk of the credit goes to a good friend, K, for the inspiration. Every time we speak, I walk away with warm fuzzies, and a certain artistic confidence that generally eludes me. If I could put her in my pocket and carry her around with me, I really would. A pocket muse!

Anyhow, I set out to do a series of paintings for the yoga-corner in my living room. A lot of planning went into it-hours of figure research, sketches etc..but when it came down to actually getting the figures on canvas everything crumbled. Until I spoke with K, that is. I still haven't managed to work out the yoga paintings, yet, but many great sketch-paintings came from it.

During one of many conversations about my frustrations with the idea, she reminded me to stay relaxed, and just let the art flow. Which, I finally did to wonderful results. A little wine, a little netflix documentary goodness. Lots of small, light, loose gouache paintings akin to sketches. I'm hoping to do several more in a similar theme and get them in one frame for a finished piece.

Just wish I had been smart enough to take a photo of the end result.
Of the two larger paintings I finished, the largest one I mailed off to K as soon as it was dry (okay, so I waited for a nominally warm day to mail if off).  Maybe one day I'll remember to ask her for a photo of it.
The other is hiding in the depths of my office closet waiting for a frame with proper hanging hardware, and far away from prying dog snouts. Eventually, hopefully, I'll manage to get at least one photo of that on here; if for no other reason than to prove that I actually did something last month other than make cookies and futz with the dormant garden.

Until then-here's a small example of what I whipped out while listening to Carl Sagan and learning about our cosmos.

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