Thursday, September 22, 2011

On gushing & roses

May I have a moment to gush like a fool? Kthx

This afternoon I received a rather unexpected package from UPS. If I had the sense to take pictures of it before tearing into the long, slender box, I would have. Know what comes in long slender boxes these days?

Two dozen long stem red roses. That's what. And a super sweet note from R that had me grinning, crying a little, and saying "no freaking WAY" all with my jaw firmly planted on the ground. I guess you could say I was a tad surprised. I thought flowers like this only got sent as a sweeping gesture to that impossibly flawless pretty girl in romantic comedies.

This pretty girl got 'em, 'just because.'
 If I had been wearing socks, they would have been simultaneously rocked and knocked off.  I'll be moving the vase around the house so I can look at these gorgeous buds all day long. When I wake up in the morning. when I make my coffee. When I spend entirely too much time on my computer. All day long.  R is pretty much the best, but I kinda knew that before the roses. I think this guy might be a little fond of me, and I'm definitely keeping him around.

Have I mentioned this guy is amazink? I'm still rather giddy. 24 red roses. Who does that? While deployed? Love this guy.

end gushing. for now.

1 comment:

  1. Oh that's so lovely. This post made me smile. Thanks for sharing that little piece of happiness!
