Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Ikea, you're off my crap list

It's been over a month since I last visited the big blue and yellow. We had a right good plunderin' of the shelves, and I was momentarily taken over by a 12 year old girl when I saw this:
 It's beautiful, no?
She's exactly what I had been looking for, and the bonus light box was just freaking Those legs? Yeah, they adjust so one can have a drawing/drafting type table, or a flat-out craft space, AND there's shelf storage. GLEEEEEE!

I practically skipped down to the ol' warehouse to load up our cart with my new lovelies, only to find the legs had been out of stock. Sad face. We took the top home, anyway, optimistic about the re-stock date.

Skip to -now-

Finally, finally after a month of calling every.single.weekday, and obsessively checking the site, I find they were restocked yesterday (wooohooo!) but I was much too tired to actually drive down there.Hey, it's an hour away, and I get lost easily. So, today, I put on pants (big step for me) and drove my generous bootay to the magic Ikea shortly after they opened. Where, of course, I stocked up on waaay more than I intended to. To, like, the tune of $150 extra. My bad. No new shoes for awhile.

But but but! My long awaited legs are here! There had been a total of 16 in stock yesterday. There were 4 today. At, like, 11:45 am. So very glad I convinced myself it was a pant-worthy occasion. I also grabbed goodies from the GORM system to make a shelf that will, in theory, look something like this:

 I hope.

I picked up a lot of goodies this time around, and still had room in my car for more.

A photo of just how amazing my car is at hauling will go here, once blogspot decides to cooperate. Promise.
Look at all that room I still have left to pack in more swag! There's even room for an escort. 'Cause I can't be trusted to restrain myself should I visit again.

SO much goodness that will keep me busy for awhile! Plus, I did all by myself. Which is nice, because this near-crippling fear of driving anywhere alone is getting ridiculous. Of course, I was half-panicking the whole way there & back, but hey, I did it. Go me.

Now, for celebratory Ben & Jerry's.

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